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Well, hello everyone and welcome to another edition of "Did Anyone Get Last Month’s Newsletter??” So, here’s the situation…in last month’s JTTW I tried to explain that we have outsourced the mailing of our bank statements to a third party and I also mentioned that I was a little concerned that some of you might not receive that particular newsletter. Well, I pretty much hit the nail on the head because it appears to me that whether you still receive a physical bank statement in the mail or if you opted to receive your statement through our online banking portal, the newsletter was nowhere to be found.  I’m not exactly sure what happened, but apparently I now have a deadline that is roughly 3 days before the statements go out and for those of you who know me well, that is not how I roll. I’m more of a ‘go the bank at 10:00 p.m. on the last day of each month armed with 4 Hostess Cupcakes and a bottle of Mountain Dew’ kind of guy so I’m not exactly sure how to proceed with this whole situation. What I would LIKE to do moving forward is create some sort of email list for just our customers who want to receive a newsletter each month. That way I would no longer have to operate under any set time frame…I could send it out on the 1st or the 15th or the 22nd of each month and it wouldn’t matter. Some of you might remember that the entire reason that I started JTTW in the first place was to entice our customers into actually opening their bank statements instead of throwing them in the trash. Well, now that the majority of you receive your bank statements in a digital format, there really is no reason to have any sort of time constraint attached to this. SO…I’m going to get this figured out but, in the meantime…It’s 10:30 A.M. on Thursday, July 27th and it’s impossible to type more than 3 sentences in a row without being interrupted, but I’m going to soldier on and get this finished today. I hope…

And one more thing…if you would like to read last month’s edition of JTTW, you go can go to our website at and click on the Jay to the World tab…or if you would prefer to read it on a piece of paper, just email Cindy at and she’ll mail it to you…

I say we get things started off this month with a multiple-choice question…here you go: To teach his family a lesson, a man in Belgium recently faked his own death and then showed up at his funeral in a helicopter. The man was trying to teach his kids A) Don’t take your parents for granted B) Life is short – enjoy every minute or C) Traffic in Belgium sucks…

I recently read something from the Boston Museum of Science that if you’re ever in a large parking lot and your key fob can’t locate your car, you can put the key fob up to your head and your head will act as an antenna. “Man, I just can’t catch a break” said the owner of the last remaining Radio Shack.

Ok bikers, stock up on the talcum powder and get yourself to Philadelphia this month because the annual ‘Philadelphia Naked Bike Ride’ gets underway on August 26th. While the starting location and route won’t be announced until 24 hours before the ride commences, event organizers are promising lots of great food, drinks, and music, and they also tout that it’s a great bonding experience for all who participate. I can only assume that they mean bonding between riders and not bonding to their seats…

Last month a 41-year-old Omaha man fell down a manhole cover and traveled almost a mile in the city’s storm sewer system before being rescued. Not only was the man unhurt, he has been cast in next year’s remake of Shawshank Redemption called “Shawshank: I Probably Should Have Just Waited For Parole”…

How about one more multiple choice before we shut things down for the month?? Here you go: I recently read that an Illinois man stole a backhoe and drove it 10 miles to an airport so he wouldn’t miss his flight. He was ultimately arrested for A) Theft B) Not having a proper operator’s permit or C) Trying to board in Southwest Airlines Group A when he was holding a Group C boarding pass…

And finally…it’s hard to fathom, but Rolling Stones’ lead singer Mick Jagger just turned 80-years-old. To put that into perspective, ‘Start Me Up’ has one from one of the great guitar intros of all-time to the first 3 words of Jagger’s medical directive…​​​​​​​

Until Next Time…


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